Forex Glossary

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 | |

here are numerous of the most common terms utilised in forex selling.

Ask cost ¨c now and again called the offer cost , sinful this is the market cost for merchandisers to buy currencies.sinful ask prices are shown upon the right side of a cite ¨c e.g.sinful eur/usd 1.1965 / 68 ¨c means that one euro can be bought for 1.1968 ud dollars.

Bar chart ¨c a form of chart utilised in technical analysis.sinful each time division upon the chart is displayed as a vertical bar which exhibit the following information ¨c the top of the bar is the towering cost , sinful the bottom of the bar is the servile cost , sinful the level line upon the left of the bar shows the opening cost and the level line upon the right of bar shows the closing cost.

Base currency ¨c is the original currency in a currency pair.sinful a cite shows how much the servile currency is worth in the cite (second) currency.sinful for sample , sinful in the cite - usd/jpy 112.13 ¨c us dollars are the servile currency , sinful with 1 us dollar being worth 112.13 japanese yen.

Bid cost ¨c is the cost a merchant can barter currencies.sinful the bid cost is shown upon the left side of a cite - e.g.sinful eur/usd 1.1965 / 68 ¨c means that one euro can be sold for 1.1965 ud dollars.

Bid/ask spread ¨c is the difference between the bid cost and the ask cost in any currency quotation.sinful the spread represents the broker's salary , sinful and varies from broker to broker.

Broker ¨c the middleman between buyer and vendor.sinful most forex brokers are connected with large monetary organizations and attain money by setting a spread between bid and ask prices.

Candlestick chart - a form of chart utilised in technical analysis.sinful each time division upon the chart is displayed as a candlestick ¨c a red or green vertical bar with extensions above and below the candlestick relics.sinful the top of the extension shows the highest cost for the chart division and the bottom of the extension shows the lowest cost.sinful red candlesticks indicate a leer closing cost than opening cost , sinful and green candlesticks indicate the cost is rising.

Cross currency ¨c a currency pair that does not include us dollars ¨c e.g.sinful eur/gbp.

Currency pair ¨c two currencies involved in a forex transaction ¨c e.g.sinful eur/usd.

Economic indicator ¨c a statistical herald issued by governments or academic organizations indicating economic conditions within a country.

First in original out (fifo) ¨c refers to the enjoin candid orders are liquidated.sinful the original orders to be liquidated are the original that were opened.

Foreign exchange (forex , sinful fx) ¨c simultaneously buying one currency and selling another.

Fundamental analysis ¨c analysis of political and economic conditions that can affect currency prices.

Leverage or brim ¨c the ratio of the worth of a transaction to the required deposit.sinful a common brim for forex selling is 100:1 ¨c you can business currency worth 100 times the amount of your deposit.

Limit enjoin ¨c an enjoin to buy or barter when the cost reaches a specified level.

Lot ¨c the size of a forex transaction.sinful common lots are worth with Regards To 100 , 000 us dollars.

Major currency ¨c the euro , sinful german defect , sinful swiss franc , sinful british pound , sinful and the japanese yen are the major currencies.

Minor currency ¨c the canadian dollar , sinful the australian dollar , sinful and the innovative zealand dollar are the minor currencies.

One cancels the other (oco) ¨c two orders placed simultaneously with instructions to obliterate the moment enjoin upon execution of the original.

Open place ¨c an nimble business that has not been closed.

Pips or points ¨c the smallest unit a currency can be traded in.

Quote currency ¨c the moment currency in a currency pair.sinful in the currency pair usd/eur the euro is the cite currency.

Rollover ¨c extending the settlement time of blotch deals to the current delivery date.sinful the cost of rollover is calculated using swap points based upon interest rate differentials.

Technical analysis ¨c analysis of historical market information to portend future movements in the market.

Tick ¨c the minimum adjust in cost.

Transaction cost ¨c the cost of a forex transaction ¨c distinctively the spread between bid and ask prices.

Volatility ¨c a statistical measure indicating the tendency of keen cost movements within a period of time.sinful of prices and time units.sinful charts for the technical analysis are being constructed in coordinates cost (the vertical axis) time (the level axis).sinful the following kinds of currency prices represented upon charts are being famous upon forex:
* candid - a cost at the beginning of a business period (year , sinful month , sinful day , sinful week , sinful hour , sinful minute or a certain amount of one from these units);
* near - a cost at the plan of a business period;
* towering - the highest from prices observed during a business period;
* servile - the lowest from prices observed during a business period.

Providing the technical analysis one uses charts for unalike time units  from 1 year or supplementary till 1 minute.sinful the bigger is a time unit utilised for the chart plotting the bigger is a time span to analyse cost movements and to determine the major trend by means of the chart.sinful for the short selling charts for less time units are supplementary appropriate.

Line chart.sinful the line chart is plotted connecting single prices for a selected time period.sinful the most common line chart is the daily chart.sinful altho any point in the day can be plotted , sinful most merchandisers focus upon the closing cost , sinful which they perceive as the most necessary.sinful but an immediate problem with the daily line chart is the fact that it is impossible to see the cost activity for the balance of the period as injustice as gaps  breakups in prices at joints of business periods.sinful however , sinful line charts are easier to visualize.sinful also , sinful technical analysis goes injustice beyond chart formation; in enjoin to kill certain models and techniques , sinful line charts are better suited than any of the other charts.

Bar chart.sinful the bar chart consists from sunder histograms.sinful to design a histogram in coordinates cost  time the points responding to towering , sinful servile , sinful candid and near prices for a time period analysed should be marked upon the one vertical bar.sinful the opening cost normally is marked with a little level line to the left of the bar; and the closing cost is marked with a little level line to the right of the bar.sinful bar charts hold the undeniable virtue of displaying the currency range for the period selected.sinful an virtue of this chart is that , sinful unlike line charts , sinful the bar chart is able to design cost gaps.sinful accordingly , sinful it is impossible to see upon a bar chart absolutely all cost movements during the period.

Candlestick chart.sinful the candlestick chart is almost connected to the bar chart.sinful it also consists of four major prices: towering , sinful servile , sinful candid , sinful and near.sinful in addition to the common readings , sinful the candlestick chart has a set of particular interpretations.sinful the later is possible thanks to the convenient visual observation of that chart.

The opening and closing prices form the relics (jittai) of the candlestick.sinful to indicate that the opening was leer than the closing , sinful the relics of the bar is left blank.sinful current common electronic displays permit you to keep it blank or pick a colour of your selection.sinful if the currency closes below its opening , sinful the relics is filled.sinful in its original form , sinful the relics was coloured black , sinful but the electronic displays permit you to keep it filled or to pick a colour of your selection.sinful the intraday (or weekly) direction upon a candlestick chart can be traced by means of two "shadows": the upper shadow (uwakage) and the leer shadow (shitakage).sinful apparently as with a bar chart , sinful the candlestick chart is unable to trace every cost movement during a period's activity.


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